Saturday, February 13, 2010

Don't feed the fear

I am not posting another word about fear. I am, as of this moment, not giving fear the time of day. If you dwell on something you give it power...

I have been having a lot of fun lately doing something I would never have thought I would be doing. Listening to a friend do a comic book podcast. Now, let me just say, that a comic book to me was Archie and Jughead (which my friend does not even consider to be a comic book worthy of mentioning) or maybe a Mad Magazine. I had not idea what was out there in comic book world. And a podcast? I didn't even know what a podcast was much less how you made one. I hadn't even listened to one before this adventure. And...if you had told me that I would enjoy just sitting in the background listening to two guys talk about comic books I would have just laughed at you. But I really enjoy the experience. It is really interesting to hear the play between a comic book aficionado and a newcomer but even more fun to hear two brothers go back and forth.

A lot of the enjoyment comes from being included...being behind the curtain. Being in on the birth of something is quite exciting. As Hannibal would say "I love it when a plan comes together". It's exciting to see someone acutalize a dream. It gives me hope. Dreams are such an important part of life. If you don't have a dream, a wish, a hope then how in the world do you get up in the morning. And if one of your dreams can be realized...Woo-Hoo. So, heres to dreaming. And hoping. And wishing. And dreams coming true.

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